Player's Code
As an Arlington Softball Baseball League player, I will:
- Play the game for the game’s sake, and not just to please my parents or coach.
- Be modest and generous when I win and gracious when I lose.
- Respect the game of baseball and its rules, and play the game fairly.
- Work for the good of my team and give my best effort at all times.
- Show respect for the authority of the umpire, even though I will sometimes disagree with his/her calls.
- Show good sportsmanship before, during, and after games. I understand that baseball is a game, and that the players on the other team are my opponents, not my enemies.
- Conduct myself with honor and dignity and treat other players as I would like to be treated.
- Control my temper and not retaliate, even if I believe I have been wronged.
- Not use or possess tobacco, alcohol, or illegal or performance-enhancing drugs.